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Terms & Conditions

Terms and Conditions of Use

Welcome to our website moorer.clothing. These Conditions of Use govern access to and use of Moorer.clothing. The access to and use of this website as well as the purchase of products on Moorer.clothing are based on the assumption that you have read, understood and accepted these Conditions of Use. This Website is managed and maintained by The Level S.r.l. ("Provider"), with registered offices in Italy at Piazza Arcole 4, 20143, Milan, VAT number 07234250962.

If you need assistance, visit our Customer Service area, where you will find information on orders, shipping, refunds and returns of products purchased on Moorer.clothing, a registration form, tips and other general information on the services provided by Moorer.clothing. You can contact us by clicking here.

For any other legal information, visit the Conditions of Sale, Returns Policy and Privacy Policy sections on Moorer.clothing. The Provider may amend or simply update all or part of these Conditions of Use. Any amendment or update of the Conditions of Use shall be posted for our users on the Home Page of "moorer.clothing" as soon as such amendments or updates have been made and shall be binding as soon as they are published on the website in this section. Therefore, you should regularly access this section on the website in order to check the publication of the most recent and updated Conditions of Use. If you do not agree to all or part of the Moorer.clothing´s Conditions of Use, please do not use our website.

The access to and use of Moorer.clothing, including the display of web pages, communication with the Provider, downloading product information, and making purchases on the website, are carried out by our users exclusively for personal purposes, which should in no way be connected to any trade, business or professional activity. Remember that you will be solely liable for your use of "Moorer.clothing" and its contents. The Provider shall not be considered liable for any use of the website and its contents made by its users that are not compliant with the laws and regulations in force, without prejudice to the Provider's liability for intentional torts and gross negligence. In particular, you will be solely liable for communicating information or data that is not correct, false, or concerning third parties (in the event such third parties have not given their consent) as well as for any improper use of such data or information.

Lastly, as all materials will be downloaded or otherwise obtained by using the service at the user's choice and risk, any damage to computer systems or loss of data caused by the download operators shall be exclusively at the user's liability, and cannot be attributed to the Provider. The Provider denies all liability for any damage resulting from the inaccessibility of the services on the site or any damage caused by viruses, damaged files, errors, omissions, service interruptions, deletion of contents, network, provider, telephone, or connection issues, unauthorized access, alteration of data, or faulty and/or defective functioning of the electronic equipment belonging to the user.

The user is responsible for correctly storing and using their personal details, including the credentials allowing access to the services, in addition to any damage caused by the Provider or third parties following the incorrect use, loss or removal of said information.

1. Privacy Policy

We recommend that you read the Privacy Policy which also applies in the event that users access to Moorer.clothing and use the relevant services without making purchases. The Privacy Policy will help you understand how and for what purposes Moorer.clothing collects and uses your personal data.

2. Intellectual Property Rights

All content included Moorer.clothing, such as works, images, photographs, dialogues, music, sounds and videos, documents, drawings, figures, logos, and any other material published in any format on Moorer.clothing, including menus, web pages, graphics, colors, screens, fonts and web design, diagrams, layouts, methods, processes, functions and software that are part of Moorer.clothing (collectively, the “Contents”), are protected by copyright and all other intellectual property rights [brand company], an [brand company country location] company with registered offices in [registered offices address] - and/or the Provider and other rights owners. You may not reproduce in any form, in whole or in part, Moorer.clothing and/or its Contents without the express written consent of Moorer S.p.A. Società Unipersonale and the Provider.

Moorer S.p.A. Società Unipersonale and/or the Provider have the exclusive right to authorize or prohibit any direct or indirect, temporary or permanent reproduction of Moorer.clothing and its Contents in any way or form.

Regarding the use of Moorer.clothing, you are solely authorized to view the Website and its Contents. You are also authorized to perform all temporary reproductions, without any personal financial gain, considered transitory or accessory, an integral and essential part of viewing Moorer.clothing and its Contents, and all other navigation of the website performed exclusively for legitimate use of Moorer.clothing and its contents. You are not authorized to reproduce all or part of Moorer.clothing and its Contents in any form. Any reproduction must be authorized on a case-by-case basis by the Provider and/or [brand company], or by the authors of the individual works contained in the Website if necessary. These reproductions must, in any case, be performed for legal purposes and in compliance with the copyright and other intellectual property rights of the provider and the authors of the individual works contained on the Website. The authors of individual works published on Moorer.clothing have, at all times, the right to claim the ownership of their works and to oppose any deformation, alteration or other modification to them, including any damage caused to the works, to their honor or reputation. You undertake to respect the copyright of the artists who have chosen to publish their works on Moorer.clothing or who have collaborated with Moorer.clothing to create new expressive and artistic forms destined for publication, even if not exclusively on the Website, or which are an integral part of it. Furthermore, you are in no case authorized to use, in any way or form, the Contents of the Website and each individual work protected by copyright and other intellectual property rights. For example, you may not alter or modify in any way the Contents and works protected without the consent of Moorer S.p.A. Società Unipersonale , the Provider and, where necessary, the individual authors of works published on Moorer.clothing.

3. Links to Other Web Sites

Moorer.clothing may contain hypertext links ("links") to other websites which are in no way connected to Moorer.clothing. The Provider does not control or monitor these third-party websites or their contents, and shall not be held liable for their contents and/or for the rules adopted by them regarding, but not limited to, your privacy and the processing of your personal data when you are visiting those websites. Please, therefore, pay attention when you access these websites through the links provided on Moorer.clothing and read their Conditions of Use and their privacy policies carefully. In fact, Moorer.clothing's Conditions of Use and Privacy Policy do not apply to the websites of third parties not managed by the Provider. Moorer.clothing provides links to other websites exclusively to help its users search and surf the Internet and to allow links to websites on the Internet. When offering links to other websites, the Provider does not recommend that its users access these websites or provide any guarantees as to the contents, services, and products supplied and sold to users on them.

4. LINKS TO Moorer.clothing

If you are interested in linking to the home page or other pages on Moorer.clothing, please contact the Provider by clicking here. We ask that you contact us in order to request our consent to Moorer.clothing. The activation of links is granted on request free of charge and non-exclusively by the Provider. The Provider is entitled to object to the activation of links to its website in the event that the applicant who intends to activate links to Moorer.clothing has, in the past, adopted unfair commercial or business practices which are not generally adopted or accepted by market operators or have made unfair competition activities vis-à-vis the Provider or the latter's suppliers, or when the Provider fears that such practices or such activities might be adopted by the applicant in the future. In any event, it is forbidden to post deep links (such as deep frames) to Moorer.clothing or to use unauthorized meta-tags without the Provider's consent.

5. Content Disclaimer

The Provider has taken every measure possible to avoid publishing contents on the website that describe or represent scenes or situations of physical or psychological violence that, according to the sensitivity of Moorer.clothing users, could be seen as offensive to civil beliefs, human rights and dignity in all its forms and expressions. The Provider does not warrant that the contents of the website are appropriate or lawful in other countries outside Italy. However, in the event that such contents are deemed to be unlawful or illegal in some of these countries, please do not access this website. If you choose to access it nonetheless, we inform you that your use of the services provided by Moorer.clothing is at your own exclusive and personal responsibility.

The Provider has also taken every precaution necessary to ensure users that the Contents of Moorer.clothing are accurate and do not contain incorrect or outdated information on their date of publication on the website and, as far as possible, afterward. Nonetheless, the Provider does not accept any liability to users for the accuracy or completeness of contents published on Moorer.clothing, without prejudice to their liability for negligence or willful misconduct and other legal liability. Moreover, the Provider cannot guarantee that the website will operate continuously, without any interruptions and errors due to the connection to the internet. In the event of any problem using our website, please contact our Customer Service by clicking here. A Provider representative will be at your disposal to assist and help you to restore your access to the website, as far as possible. In the same way, we also recommend you contact your internet services provider or check that each device for internet connection and access to web content is correctly activated, including your internet browser. Although the Provider will do everything possible to ensure continuous access to their website, the dynamic nature of the internet and its contents may not allow Moorer.clothing to operate without any suspensions, interruptions or discontinuity due to updating the website. The Provider has adopted adequate technical and organizational security measures to protect services on Moorer.clothing, the integrity of data and electronic communications in order to prevent unauthorized use of or access to data, and prevent risks of dissemination, destruction and loss of data and confidential/non-confidential information regarding users of Moorer.clothing, and to avoid unauthorized or unlawful access to such data and information.

6. Our Business Policy

The Provider has a set business policy, and our mission consists of selling products through our services and website exclusively to "consumers", intended as any natural person acting on Moorer.clothing for purposes which are outside his or her trade, business or professional activity (if any). If you are not a consumer, please do not use our services for purchasing products on Moorer.clothing. If you continue to use the site, the Provider may refuse to accept purchase orders from persons other than consumers or any other purchase order that does not comply with the Conditions of Sale and these Conditions of Use.

7. Applicable legislation

These Conditions of Use are governed by Italian law.

Conditions of Sale

The following Conditions of Sale govern the offer and sale together with the Condition of Use, Returns Policy and Privacy Policy of products on Moorer.clothing. Products purchased on Moorer.clothing are sold directly by The Level S.r.l. ("Seller"), with registered office in Italy, Piazza Arcole 4, 20143, Milan, VAT no. 07234250962.

Please contact our Customer Services for any further information, where you will find information on orders and shipping, refunds and returns of products purchased on Moorer.clothing. Remember that you can always contact the Seller by clicking here .

For any other legal information, go to the sections: Conditions of Use, Returns Policy and Privacy Policy.

1. Our Business Policy

1.1 The Vendor offers products for sale on Moorer.clothing and its e-commerce business services are available exclusively to its end users, i.e. the "Consumers".

1.2 "Consumer" shall mean any individual who is acting on Moorer.clothing for purposes which are outside his or her trade, business or profession. If you are not a Consumer, please do not buy any products on Moorer.clothing.

1.3 The Vendor reserves the right not to process orders received from users who are not "Consumers" and any other order that does not comply with the Vendor's business policy.

1.4 These Conditions of Sale govern the offer, transmission and acceptance of purchase orders relating to products on Moorer.clothing between the users of Moorer.clothing and the Vendor.

1.5 The Conditions of Sale do not govern the supply of services or the sale of products performed by third parties that are on Moorer.clothing through links, banners or other hypertext links. Before submitting orders and purchasing products and services from third parties, we recommend that you verify their Conditions of sale; the Vendor shall under no circumstances be deemed liable for the supply of services provided by third parties or for the execution of e-commerce transactions between the users of Moorer.clothing and third parties.

2. How to place an order with the Vendor

2.1 To place an order for the purchase of one or more products on Moorer.clothing, you must fill out the online order form and send it electronically to the Vendor, following the relevant instructions.

2.2 The order form contains a summary of these Conditions of Sale and the Returns Policy, information on the main characteristics of each product ordered, and the corresponding unit price (including all applicable fees and taxes), the type of payment methods that you may use in order to purchase each product, shipping terms for the purchased products, shipping and delivery costs and the Conditions for returning purchased products.

2.3 The order shall be deemed to have been submitted when the Vendor receives your order form electronically and the order information has been verified as correct.

2.4 Before submitting your order form for the purchase of products, you will be asked to carefully read the Returns Policy, to print a copy using the print option, and to save or reproduce a copy thereof for your own personal use.

2.5 The order form will be filed in our database for the time required to process your order and as provided by law. You may access your order form by logging in and visiting the section called Orders, in the My Account area.

2.6 After your order form has been submitted, the Vendor will process your order.

2.7 The Vendor may refuse to process purchases if there are no sufficient guarantees of solvency, when orders are incomplete or incorrect, or when the products are no longer available. In the above cases, we shall inform you by e-mail that the order has not been placed and that the Vendor has not carried out your purchase order specifying the reasons thereof. If the products displayed on Moorer.clothing are no longer available at the time you last accessed the website or submitted your order form, the Vendor shall inform you of the unavailability of the ordered products within thirty (30) days from the day after Vendor has received your order. If the order form has been sent and the price has already been paid, the Vendor will refund the amount paid for those items.

2.8 By submitting an order form online, you unconditionally accept and undertake to observe the provisions of these Conditions of Sale. Should you not agree with certain provisions of these Conditions of Sale, please do not submit your order form for the purchase of products on Moorer.clothing.

2.9 By submitting an order form, you agree and accept these Conditions of Sale as well as further conditions contained on Moorer.clothing, even through links, including the Conditions of use and Privacy Policy of Moorer.clothing.

2.10 Upon submission of an order form, the Vendor shall send you a purchase order receipt by email, containing a summary of the information related to the order form (Conditions of Sale, the products' main characteristics, detailed information on the price, terms of payment, return policy and shipping costs).

3. Guarantees and Product Price Indication

3.1 Moorer.clothing only offers products bearing the "[brand]" brand purchased directly by the Vendor from Moorer S.p.A. Società Unipersonale - with registered offices in VIA XXV APRILE, 90 – 37014 - CASTELNUOVO DEL GARDA (VR), Italy and/or their authorized manufacturers.

3.2 The Vendor does not sell second-hand products, flawed products, or products of lower quality than the corresponding market standards.

3.3 The main characteristics of products are shown on Moorer.clothing on each product page. The images and colors of products offered for sale on Moorer.clothing may not exactly correspond to the real products, due to the Internet browser or monitor used.

3.4 Prices are subject to change. Check the final price of the sale before sending the relevant order form.

3.5 Orders received from countries other than those selected for shipping or to addresses to which the Vendor cannot ship cannot be accepted.

3.6 All products sold by Moorer.clothing come with an identification tag attached with a disposable seal. Please do not remove the tag and seal, which are an integral part of the purchased products.

3.7 If you exercise your right to return the products, the Vendor may refuse to accept products that are damaged, without the tag or which have been altered in their main characteristics or quality.

4. Payment

4.1 Payment of the product prices and the relative costs for shipping and delivery must be made by using one of the procedures indicated on the order form.

4.2 If you choose to pay by credit card, all financial information (credit/debit card number, expiry date, etc.) are forwarded to an external payment service provider (PSP) which, thanks to a DigiCert SSL SHA2 256 bit encryption protocol, guarantees the security of online transactions. Your financial information will never be used by the Vendor except for performing the procedure relevant to your purchase or issuing refunds in the case of returns in compliance with the exercise of your return right or for reporting cases of fraud on Moorer.clothing to the police. The price for the purchase of products and the costs for shipping and delivery, as indicated in the order form, will be charged to your current account only when the purchased products are shipped.

5. Shipping and delivery of the products

For information on specific product shipping and delivery procedures, access the Customer Service area. Please read these sections carefully. The information provided forms an integral part of these Conditions of Sale and, consequently, shall be deemed to be fully read and accepted by you at the time your order form is sent.

6. Customer Service

Please click here to contact our Customer Service for any further information. For further clarifications, access the clicking here.Customer Service area.

7. Right to withdraw

7.1 You can cancel the contract with the Vendor, without any penalty and without providing a reason, up to14 working days from the date of receiving the products purchased on Moorer.clothing. It is not possible to return an item in exchange for another.

7.2 For details on canceling the contract, please refer to the Returns policy section. Please read these sections carefully. The information provided forms an integral part of these Conditions of Sale and, consequently, shall be deemed to be fully read and accepted by you at the time your order form is sent.

8. Privacy

8.1 You will find information on how we process your personal data by reading the Privacy Policy.

8.2 You are advised to read, if you haven't already done so, our Conditions of Use which contain important information on how we process the personal data of our users and on the security systems we use.

8.3 For further information on our Privacy Policy you can contact us by Clicking here or at Vendor's registered offices located in Piazza Arcole 4, 20143, Milan, Italy.


These Conditions of Sale are governed by the Italian law

All communications or complaints should be sent to the Vendor via the appropriate contact forms Here

The Vendor commits to meeting your needs, as far as possible, and to resolving any dispute with you in a friendly manner.

The European Union provides Consumers with a platform to resolve complaints concerning products purchased online via an independent dispute resolution body:

10. Amendments and updates

The Conditions of Sale may be amended from time to time due to new laws and regulations or for other reasons. The new Conditions of Sale shall be effective as of the date of publication on Moorer.clothing.

11. Information on the company

The Level S.r.l.
Piazza Arcole 4 – 20143 Milan, ITALY.
VAT no: 07234250962

Returns Policy: Click Here